kwo's Articles In Politics
January 23, 2004 by kwo
so me and jackie went to a forum about palestinian freedom last night, and some of the information disturbed me. the toronto highway, the 407 is pirvately owned. so i knew this, thought it was dumb but whatever right. anyways it turns out that this company who owns the 407, the CHIC, is making a huge highway in Israel. so you think no big deal right? well guess what, only cars with israeli liscenced plates can travel on it. this means most palestinian won't beable to use it. i can't unde...
January 13, 2004 by kwo
i got back my women studies exam back.... i only got a fucking 82% on it. seriously i was expected at least an A, not an A-. I got the highest mark in both my T.A's tutorial classes... that's good, but its sad that thats the mark that's the highest. i also got my tegan and sara review report back and i only got 75%... what a let down. i get my human rights back tonight... im nervous about it. i hate it cause a cute, smart guy always sits next to me, and he's really smart... so i hate gettin...