Tuesday 4:17pm
Published on January 13, 2004 By kwo In Politics
i got back my women studies exam back.... i only got a fucking 82% on it. seriously i was expected at least an A, not an A-. I got the highest mark in both my T.A's tutorial classes... that's good, but its sad that thats the mark that's the highest. i also got my tegan and sara review report back and i only got 75%... what a let down. i get my human rights back tonight... im nervous about it. i hate it cause a cute, smart guy always sits next to me, and he's really smart... so i hate getting bad marks around him cause then i feel embarrased...its weird cause usually i don't give a shit what people think of my marks, but i do now, so i hope he doesn't sit with me tonight, cause i have a feeling i won't be getting an A. so what the fuck... i got an email today, its about how france is trying to implement a law which restricts people from wearing religious things to school...this mean a jewish boy can't wear his kipah, or a muslim women cannot wear her headress, or a christian can't wear a cross... what is this.... i find this so scary! they say its because theres been a lot of tension between some of the religious groups, so instead opf educating people not to fight, they are just basically getting rid of religion... theres a protest for it on saturday, i think for sure im going to go... you should write a letter to the french embassy... well if you want to...i say you should though, cause its really just the beginning of shit like this... if this law passes, think of what else could be banned in the futur... maybe next year since they already took away people's right of freedom of consciousness and religion, they'll take away their right to freedom of expression...soon you won't even be able to talk about religion. sorry for the rant, but that seriously scares me. so anyways, im not sure if you should go for the mohawlk or not... would you be cutting your hair shorter for it... if you do, get the mohawlk dyed another colour. i didn't get to go to the gym today cause vicki didn't want to.... i guess i could have gone by myself, but i like having someone there with me. i think i like this journal thing too... i'm not the type of person to talk about personal things, but maybe i'll start, since it is supposed to be like a journal.. and since you are my secret best friend.
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