so tonight im going to the andy stechansky and pilate concert. i feel special caause im not the official photographer... my name is on the list. i was supposed to go to claires house to bake stuff for amnesty's bake sale tomorrow, but i made rice crispie balls in my room instead. i had a spanish presentation this morning. i think it went pretty good. my spanish is getting better, which makes me like the class a little bit more. i have a women studies assignment due tomorrow, and i should b...
janice just relax. read your accounting today, and then once you finish the project with your firnd start your readings that you need done for tommorow. if you don't finish it, its not a big deal... think of all the other people who probably haven't done the readings either. if you are having a lot of trouble with accounting, go to the teachr and tell her/him, and ask for some help... thats what their office hours are there for. if that doesn't help ask you mom, there's nothing wrong with t...
so i got 70% on my essay. now that i got that, i wish i got a higher mark. we have to assignments in our human rights tutorial in groups, and guess who asked me to join his group... yup that's right, the cute boy! he's super smart so i hope i can keep up with his intelligence... who am i kiding, i know i can! i had to go to a clubs and societies meetin last night on behalf of amnesty, and my other cute guy was there, minus the turtle neck, ive decided he's cute again. i found out he's n...