friday 10:57 pm
Published on January 30, 2004 By kwo In Work Reports
i get jealous of all this activist left wing type groups you get to be a part of being in ottawa and all. seriously i've looked and found nothing here. there's going to be some sort of socialist talk on tuesday about the whole banning of religious clothes in france but i have class then so i can't go. kristen wilkinson, you're too cool. i will definitely play the role of nerd and read your human rights handbook over the summer...

i can TOTALLY picture vicki doing things just so it will look good on her resume. which i find sooo hypocritical b/c i was always complaining to her about grace doing things at school just to try to get the alpha award and she was always agreeing with me... but i don't mean for it to be offensive but i see her as the kind of person who would do things just so they look good.

question: how do you have so much TIME to do all these groups? i barely have time for school and hockey it makes me sad that i'm not doing worthwhile things like you. PS i laughed when i read that you're into bob marley now. soo cliche!

PS i'm going to be in ottawafeb 28 weekend and the games are going to be in the carleton gym so you gusy can come watch. plust it's an invitational so i might get to play!

PPS- theft is cool! i've moved on past just taking posters.. our room now has a hot pink cuation floor is wet board thing sign, a desk chair and a newspaper rack that i use for my clothes. i love it.

PPPS i am sooo looking forward to montreal weekend now! i'm not supposed to drink more than 1 drink in a night until march when hockey is over but i am going to get fucking plastered w/ you guys... after the stills and the arcade fire julie and i are going to kool haus to see stereophonics the monday we get back. soo cool.
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