3:07 pm
Published on January 10, 2004 By kwo In Blogging
i don't know why yours didn't work....
i tried editing it so that it could be posted but to no avail.
well i did read it.
here's what i did at the bottom i checked that it should be displayed in forums too and then i had convert carriage return instead of pure html which is what you had.
why are we impressionable twins?
on Jan 10, 2004
we are imppresionable twins because i couldn't think of anything else aside from our names... so instead i remembered our drunked new years night, where we were both almost twins and thought it would be funny because then we would leave an even bigger impression, than we had at the last party we went to.
anyways i went to the library today...got some books for my essay...i can't wait to finish this shit and then hopefully i'll feel better. i got to do the work now.