Monday 2:01 AM
Published on March 15, 2004 By kwo In OS Customization
WTF Kristen people actually DO look at what we’re writing in here! Not only do I write really long paragraphs that need to “please please plase” be made shorter but:

Reply By: dharmagrl
Posted: Sunday, March 14, 2004

Errmmm...d'ya ever look at the amount you drink? Dude, what you put away in 40 mins would have got me wasted.

Do you drink like that every weekend?

Don’t people have better things to do with their time than read about our lives and essays? I feel so creeped out now… Like not only did they waste their time reading what we write but then they go and feel the need to REPLY to what we wrote…

I get so jealous of your wild drunken party nights.. people at york don’t throw parties.. however I did have an awesome time at Schulich’s Super Pub. It was their last pub night of the year… ok there are like 6 colleges at york you know how I’m mclaughlin etc. well each college has its own pub and then schulich behing schulich has ANOTHER pub just for them. It’s called the blade and it’s above the Beatrice ice gardens. So they have their pub nights there but since I’m a loser that doesn’t go to any pub nights that means I haven’t been to a schulich pub night either. But then Diana message me Thursday and is asking me to come. I being the good student say I prob should not because I’m trying to write my philosophy essay and I’m having no success (about that: the questionswas just so hard and jerk face josh STILL hasn’t got back to me but I figured things out on my own with Vicki and sherry’s help) But the second Diana mentions pub night I know I want to go and part of me inside knows that I will end up going because ever since hockey ended I’m not so disciplined anymore. Case in point is how I’m writing this (not just for you but for the others that read our blog too….) when I didn’t finish my essay still. I’m going to do the conclusion tomorrow morning before my class at 10 I think. The one thing that has stuck w/ me since hockey ended is that I don’t sleep in still. Like waking up at 8 feel like I slept in and on days like yesterday when I slpet in until 11:45 I feel GUILTY for sleeping so long…

So I’m still talking about super pub here but I thiought I’d make a new paragraph for our audience b/c it makes it easier for them to read… yeah so I went to super pub w/ Diana her sister her boyfriend and tegan. We did pre-drinking in diana’s room and I had a good deal of crème de cocoa straight up and 2 glasses of mailbu w/ juice. It was gross tho b/c we only had orange juice and it wasn’t Tropicana or anything special and then I had some w/ 7up b/c tegan said that tastes good on ap revious night when I didn’t feel like walking to york lanes to get nice juice like paradise blend or seomthing. I was pissed off b/c I didn’t feel drunk at all and I wanted to get smashed that night.

I was looking hot in the pink track suit though. It belongs to tegan and we all take turns wearing it. The whole night ppl kept coming up to talk to me and she kept taking credit for it like she was proud “yeah that’s MY suit” whatever… it’s an awesome suit. Random boys kept coming up to dance with me but nothing ever amounted to anything.

When we got to the blade (that’s the pub) it was actually pretty busy and I had so muchfun. The alcohol was kicking in by then and I started dancing like a maniac. It was funny to see all the tight ass schulichers out there having a good drunken time. I don’t think anyone looked as outrageous as me though.

Oh yeah it’s called super pub that night b/c there was some business conference going on at schulich and all these universities had sent students over and they were all invited to the pub night. This one guy Tyler walked right up to me and wa slike “how are you doing etc.” he was cute b/c I guess he was still in conference mode b/c he had a dress shirt and tie on. He was from guelph.

The paragraphs are getting shorter and shorter! Anyway I met up with chris and alex who are in my management group and they were getting a hhuge kick out of my outfit. We spent the rest of the night together- me tegan and them. Diana and her sis & b/f went home early b/c she wasn’t feeling well. We stayed at the blade until last call. Then a group of us stumbled around calumet and somehow got into a suite where one of the girls lived. The porter came to tell us we were being loud and then I got all obnoxious with her and started doing what I thought was signlanguage to her. She was not pleased. Then we went into some random building and made fun of a guy who was working on stats…. Then I realized that I had lost my cell phone and I started freaking out… we went to student centre to get subway (chris was going to buy for all b/c he has a huge amount of money on his card left bc he was in tatham hall rez but he got kicked out for hate crimes b/c he was dunk one night and when the don came up to tell him to be quiet he called the don a fag and then the don who was gay said he had committed a hate crim and drunk chris said he didn’t care and kept calling him that.. it was no good) so we went to subway for free food but also b/c the girl who was in the suite would be there so I could ask her to look out for the phone.

Me and tegan decided we weren’t hugny so we went back to rez and went to bd. The next morning I had no hangover even though I didn’t drink water before I went to bed. We haven’t had water (me and teila) for a few weeks now be/c no one has been home to see a famly or had access to a grocery store. We are snobby and refuse to drink the dasani or aquafina water that they sell at york…. I woke up and was still depressed about myphone. B/c whe n called it the msg would come up right away.. which meant I couldn’t just see if someone had it. So I was ognna have to go to calumet and the blade and wander around aimlessly to try and find it.

Then at econ I talked to this girl Vanessa who is schulich and I had pre-jduged her (b/c I’m a bad person) as a Ssb snot type but then she ended up walking me back to calumet to see the girl who’s suite we were in and I was talking to her and she was very nice. We talked about how she thought about leaving ssb too but didn’t have anything she was really passionate about to leave it for. We talked about how everyone seems to love ssb but really there are more ppl than not that are like me and her that didn’t really care for it but are just trying to get thorugh it. So we got the the suite and the girl wasn’t there but she called Vanessa and said that she had the phone just she went home for the weekend (ppl at york go home on weekends which adds to why we don’t have good parties) so I don’t get the phone til Monday (today technically) but I was so relieved to have known that it was w/ someone as opposed to hopelessly lost….

So that was my big pub night. I was very drunk… so drunk that I let some random guys take my pic on the walk home from student centre and I don’t know what they’re doing with it but whatever… yet I still remember all this. I guess I prefer it that way than not knowing what I had done and wondering… why is there FILM of your party night? That’s weird… weird like peope reading our blogs….

I don’t know what to do for your birthday. It might take a while.

on Mar 15, 2004
As so you write for yourself. I'll remember that next time and won't read. Getting drunk is a lot of fun to write about. But who needs to read it. We've all been drunk. (well not everybody)
on Mar 15, 2004
Don’t people have better things to do with their time than read about our lives and essays? I feel so creeped out now… Like not only did they waste their time reading what we write but then they go and feel the need to REPLY to what we wrote…

Yeah, well we can't all have lives as interesting and varied as yours (that was sarcasm in case you missed it).

In case you hadn't noticed, this is the way this site works: you write, you post, people can read what you write and then respond if they want to. if you don't want other people reading your stuff, then either manage your audience or don't post it.
on Mar 16, 2004
holy hostility...janice can offend sometimes...she tends to be blatant...but its all part of her charm. i belive she was just shocked that people acutally read our things...when i set up our account i didn't really know how to filter things... and we never realized we got replies before...unitl now when she was waiting for a reply on her essay. anyways i hope she didn't offend you...i know she wasn't trying to. keep reading and replying if you like... i enjoy it! peace.
on Mar 16, 2004
Well, what I said was a little harsh, i admit....

Welcome to JoeUser, and blog on!
