good idea for portfolio. friday 12:23
Published on January 23, 2004 By kwo In Politics
so me and jackie went to a forum about palestinian freedom last night, and some of the information disturbed me. the toronto highway, the 407 is pirvately owned. so i knew this, thought it was dumb but whatever right. anyways it turns out that this company who owns the 407, the CHIC, is making a huge highway in Israel. so you think no big deal right? well guess what, only cars with israeli liscenced plates can travel on it. this means most palestinian won't beable to use it. i can't understand how there's so much racism there, but nobody does anything. people acted on the apartheid in south africa, so why why aren't they acting on the apartheid in israel? you should start a campaign about this... since you do live in toronto... or at least tell your parents and friends not to use this highway. anyways i think for my sticker campaign im going to use the face of the women from the war posters... do you know the ones im talking about? i got your letter yesterday... thanks.
on Jan 23, 2004
Well, it's slightly un-PC to suggest that Israelis (mostly Jewish) could be racist. But I think we all know that racism is one of those things that, ironically, knows no difference in race
on Mar 16, 2004
i definetly wasn't suggestin that all israelis or jewish people were racist... i was simply stating that there is a lot of racism in the country. it is true that i think not allowing palestinians to travel on this highway is very racist. and the fact that there are walls being built to seperate the two people is also a hige issue.. and the fact is, it is mostly palestinians who will suffer from these walls, and check points, and segregated highways. anyways just wanted to clear up that my entry was not at all un-PC...what is politically incorrect is the fact that nobody is doing anything about the apartheid in israel.